Nuclear Matinee: Ask Dr. Dave Grabaskas, Argonne Nuclear Engineer
At the birthplace of nuclear energy, one man dares to answer all questions nuclear - Dr. Dave Grabaskas of Argonne National Laboratory.
At the birthplace of nuclear energy, one man dares to answer all questions nuclear - Dr. Dave Grabaskas of Argonne National Laboratory.
For faithful viewers of the ANS Nuclear Matinee-an instant classic from not so long ago, starring Microsoft founder, philanthropist, and nuclear energy enthusiast (and investor) Bill Gates.
James Hansen, former head of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, earlier this year co-authored a study that conservatively estimated that nuclear power has saved 1.8 million lives since 1971 that otherwise would have been lost due to fossil fuel pollution and associated causes. For more information, see this post at Scientific American blogs-and this previous ANS nuclear matinée.
Switch is a documentary on the worldwide future of energy directed by Harry Lynch and produced by Arcos Films, released in 2012. Dr. Scott Tinker of the University of Texas takes viewers on a global tour of energy sites and facilities to explore the next energy transition of our civilization - the point at which energy derived from fossil fuels, versus from "everything else," switch places in terms of providing the majority of world energy. The film posits that this enormous, colossal transition is likely to occur within 50 years.
A new time-lapse video shows early site preparation and containment vessel bottom head placement at the Plant Vogtle Electric Generating Plant near Waynesboro, Georgia. Two new nuclear power reactors are scheduled to begin operations at Plant Vogtle in 2017 and 2018. Along with two units under construction at the V.C. Summer Nuclear Generating Station in South Carolina, these will be the first new nuclear units built in the United States in the last three decades. Enjoy the show!
This is a simply excellent video on nuclear energy for a wide audience. How much and how well can one person communicate on nuclear energy in less than 90 seconds? Click play to find out:
GoogleTalks recently conducted a highly informative and entertaining interview session featuring Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt, director Robert Stone, and the cast of the film Pandora's Promise: Stewart Brand, Gwyneth Cravens, Michael Schellenberger, and Mark Lynas.
Presenting a new nuclear energy TV commercial - unveiled at the 2013 American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting this week!
How often do you get the chance to go see an acclaimed nuclear energy documentary at your local theater? We're talking real movie theater popcorn here, folks, not that microwave kind.
Meet Tim Lucas, Ph.D., a nuclear engineer who is piloting his sailboat around the world, spreading the news of nuclear technology - and many other rather amazing activities. Why is circumnavigating the globe a perfect job for a nuclear engineer? Watch and find out!
Last week at the ANS Nuclear Cafe Matinee we caught up with the latest milestones in nuclear construction going on at the V.C. Summer site in South Carolina. Now, let's take a look at history in the making at Plant Vogtle in Burke County, Georgia, where construction of two new AP1000 reactors is quickly moving onward and upward. How in the world do you make a nuclear power plant? Watch, and find out.
America's first new commercial nuclear energy reactors in 30 years are under construction at the Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Generating Station in Fairfield County, South Carolina, and the Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant in Burke County, Georgia.
It's that end-of-semester time of year, and that means it's time to showcase this year's Texas Atomic Film Festival! Each year engineering students at UT-Austin communicate some rather difficult and technical nuclear concepts - and blow off some steam in a time of term papers and final exams - via the wondrous medium of the silver screen.
A group of IBM researchers have created the world's smallest movie - starring 130 atoms (well, the oxygen atoms of carbon monoxide molecules). An atomic-scale must-see!
With Unit 6 returning from a planned maintenance outage earlier this week, all 8 reactors at the world's largest nuclear electrical generating station are now online, generating emission-free electricity from the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station in Ontario, Canada ("Full Power at the Bruce").
NASA scientist Dr. Pushker Kharecha and Dr. James Hansen (the leading climate scientist in the US) recently authored a study which conservatively estimates nuclear power has saved 1.8 million lives, which otherwise would have been lost due to fossil fuel pollution and associated causes, since 1971.
Charles Chase and his team at Lockheed Martin's "Skunk Works" made quite a splash recently by announcing that they are attempting to develop a truck-trailer-sized 100-MW fusion reactor-to be ready for operation in just a few years!
While Shippingport Atomic Power Station in Pennsylvania was the first full-scale nuclear plant to be designed and built to provide commercial electric power, the Vallecitos Atomic Electric Power Plant in California was actually the first privately-financed nuclear power plant to provide meaningful amounts of electricity for public use.
"The best science online" according to someone who really ought to know: Henry Reich, creator of MinutePhysics.